How to Become a Bodybuilder

How to Become a Bodybuilder

IAG Miami Richard Rodriguez Celebrity Trainer Talks About How to Become a Bodybuilder

The first thing you have to decide when you think about how to become a bodybuilder is if you really want to become a bodybuilder. You must ask yourself this because bodybuilding is unique in the way in which you become a bodybuilder. It's not like becoming a football player or a golfer. You actually become a bodybuilder. Bodybuilding is not something you do on Saturday afternoons at the park, or on a course, or on a court, or a field. In no other sport must you live as your sport dictates. When you become a bodybuilder you spend every moment of every day and night being a bodybuilder; 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There is no putting bodybuilding away, taking it down, or shutting it off. How to become a bodybuilder requires a total commitment to a totally different way of life.

If you want to become a baseball player, you go to practice a few times a week and then play a game on the weekend. When you come home from practice or a game, you kick off your cleats, toss your glove on the shelf and go down to the kitchen for a piping styrofoam cup of ramen that you eat leisurely at the counter while you text, Snapchat, IM and scroll through Instagram. You're not going to have anything to do with baseball until your next practice, or your next game. Obviously, a pro ball player would take things a little more seriously. Some very seriously, some even on par with bodybuilding. But, out of all the people who play baseball in America, only a small handful can claim a total 24/7 commitment — those that do are more bodybuilder than baseball player anyway.

The guy who wants to know how to be a bodybuilder has to be able to fathom the enormity of not only what he wants to attempt, but also the adversary he faces — mother nature. Humans were not made to be bodybuilders. We are made to store fat and only maintain whatever muscle mass the body needs. So, once you decide you want to become a bodybuilder, how to become a bodybuilder involves a total assault on mother nature. By doing so, you are making a monthly, weekly, daily, hourly minute by minute effort to combat the stubborn gains in muscle mass and the ease at which your body will hoard body fat — just like nature intended. 

Once committed, a bodybuilder's life will be built around three things: eating, lifting heavy weights and resting. They're all important to an equal degree, but to put them in order, diet would be the first step in how to become a bodybuilder. For as long as he will be a bodybuilder, feeding time is every two-and-a-half to three hours while he's awake, and he'll probably wake up a time or two during the night to throw down a protein shake. Every meal will be a precisely calculated melange of macronutrients designed to do one thing — build muscle. This is how a bodybuilder eats, every day. They have a cheat meal here and there, but, for the most part, this diet is very regimented. Unlike any other sport, you can't be a bodybuilder unless you eat like a bodybuilder.

The next thing you have to do is train like a bodybuilder. You have to lift heavy weights and attempt to lift more than you can. Because the body is resistant to muscle growth, you have to give it a good reason to grow. Not being able to complete a repetition of a heavy weight without help, repeatedly, while constantly increasing the weight every training session, will eventually send a message to your brain that the body it controls isn't strong enough to meet the demands placed upon it. Thus, the body adapts by activating satellite cells and growing new muscle. If you ever stop lifting the heavy weights, the muscle will go away. The term “use it or lose it” was born in bodybuilding.

The last thing you have to do is rest. Remember, how to become a bodybuilder involves wrapping your life around bodybuilding, completely. You identify yourself as a bodybuilder; therefore, life must fit around preparing food for and eating six meals a day, training for two to three hours a day and getting plenty of sleep — like eight to 10 hours a night. Whatever else you might do in life must fit around bodybuilding.

For someone committed to the cause, results will surely come. It's pretty much impossible for them not to. It just takes time. Patience is extremely important in how to become a bodybuilder. But, if you want to be a bodybuilder and you do focus your life around eating, training and resting, then you should start looking like a bodybuilder in a couple of years.

Interested in Richard Rodriguez taking you to transforming your physique? Schedule your Free 30 Minute Consultation now or fill out an application for consideration. 

Look out in July for the Richard Rodriguez documentary release that he has been working on extensively with YouTube Sensation JonnyBravoTV. This will absolutely bring light on the events that people are unsure of since they only see or hear what was revealed.

Source: Marketing Department - RR Ventures LLC

Richard Rodriguez is an iconic and legendary figure within the fitness community. His companies span all across the globe and have dominated the peptides, transdermal, hormone and contest prep market. He possesses over 25 years of experience in diet plans, contest prep and personal training. He is also an expert in transdermal, peptides and hormone optimization. This is the site for all your transdermal, peptides and contest prep needs.
June 08, 2017 by Richard Rodriguez

What You Should Know About HRT Side Effects

What You Should Know About HRT Side Effects

Men who are suffering from Low T or who are seeking to increase their muscle mass while using HRT need to be aware of the side effects of the treatment. Although the benefits, such as a higher sex drive, improved moods and more muscle girth are desirable, there are some potential reactions that may not be as beneficial. Many organs and metabolic processes are affected when testosterone levels start to decline. Low levels of this hormone can also affect the brain, moods, hair growth, weight and sex organs. Prior to starting this form of treatment or any other, it is necessary to know what the potential hormone replacement therapy side effects are.

Potential Side Effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy Use

The long-term effects of hormone replacement therapy for men are currently unknown. Although this creates a little uncertainty for men who are considering the treatment, it has not deterred millions of men from undergoing the therapy. In fact, many men who enjoy the benefits are so happy with the results that they are not very concerned about the risks. Here is a brief breakdown of hormone replacement therapy side effects for men.

HRT is used to replace missing testosterone in the body. The treatment can be given as a topical creams and ointments, muscular injections, medications, implants or patches. Men who use hormone replacement therapy as body building supplements or to combat the effects of andropause may encounter any of the following side effects.

  • Enlarged prostate
  • Increased production of testosterone suppressing hormones
  • Fluid retention
  • Sterility
  • High red blood cell count
  • Breast tenderness and enlargement
  • Liver damage
  • Low sperm count

Considerations for Men Not Suffering From Low T

Men who use HRT for body building should be aware that the therapy poses additional health risks for them since they may still have normal testosterone levels. Excess testosterone in the body can lead to poor kidney function and high blood pressure, which can both increase the risk of heart attack and negatively impact one’s ability to body build and to enjoy optimal health. Although many health clinics and special fitness physicians can prescribe the use of HRT products, it is often done to restore testosterone levels to their normal. Increasing them any higher can be dangerous to one’s health.

Thanks to its many benefits, hormone replacement therapy is not just for men who suffer from Low T, it is also widely popular among individuals who want to regain and boost their masculinity. Doctors who prescribe hormone replacement therapy often customize treatment to the individual needs of each patient to minimize the risk of side effects and to provide optimal benefits. Some lifestyle adjustments may be required. Also, other types of medical intervention may be necessary in addition to hormone replacement therapy to increase the chances of success.

Many men who experience Low T and receive hormone replacement treatment are able to make a complete transformation. Anyone who decides to use hormone therapy should see their physician regularly for testosterone monitoring and prostate health exams. They should also consider if the benefits outweigh the risks of hormone replacement therapy side effects.



May 07, 2017 by Comet Chat Admin

What You Need to Know About HRT for Men

What You Need to Know About HRT for Men

Low sex hormones are a common side effect of old age in both men and women. Typically, the age of 50 is when men and women start to experience menopause and andropause, respectively. This milestone is often referred to as the “change of life.” Many people who reach this age experience mood swings and a rapid decline in energy levels. Along with the decrease in sex hormones and vitality comes a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome and other ailments. These risks may be higher because of other factors. Although hormone replacement therapy for men is often prescribed to help individuals deal with the effects of low sex hormones, it can also help to lower the risk of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and other metabolic diseases in men.

HRT Is Very Effective for Men

It is a common misconception that HRT is only for women who are going through menopause. However, it is also a form of treatment for men who are experiencing a decline in their testosterone levels. Testosterone is a vital hormone for normal muscle growth, sexual function and bone density in men. Men who suffer from hypogonadism (a dysfunction of the testicles that makes it hard for them to produce the right amount of testosterone in the body) may experience a faster decline in the sex hormone than men who have a lack of it due to old age.

Men who have low testosterone levels often experience lower sex drives. This can make it hard for them to enjoy intimacy with their partners and feel confident about themselves. This can lead to feelings of resentment and other negative feelings that can change the dynamics of an otherwise healthy relationship. To combat the physical changes they are going through, many men resort to using supplements as a way to replace the missing testosterone in their bodies. Although some supplements may have a slight effect, many males find that hormone replacement therapy provides them with a higher level of results and allows them to feel closer to their original selves before the effects of low testosterone.

How HRT Is Given

Hormone replacement therapy for men can be administered three ways. Injections are given to a specific muscular region every two to three weeks. Patches can be worn daily to provide a steady dose of testosterone. Gels and topical creams can be rubbed into certain areas on the body to boost low testosterone.

The treatment is not recommended for anyone who has prostate cancer or is at risk of developing the condition. Prostate cancer and prostate growth both respond to the presence of testosterone. Higher testosterone levels can speed up the growth of any existing tumors and may cause the prostate area to become larger than normal. One lesser known reason why it is recommended for men to consider HRT is the risk of death. Men who have declining testosterone levels also have a higher chance of dying. Anyone who is interested in receiving hormone replacement therapy for men should have their health carefully examined by their physician.


May 07, 2017 by Richard Rodriguez
Combat Age-Related Decline With Hormone Replacement Therapy

Combat Age-Related Decline With Hormone Replacement Therapy

Combat Age-Related Decline With Hormone Replacement Therapy


As you age, your testosterone levels naturally decline. This chemical change can make it more difficult to stay fit, as you’ll notice yourself getting winded more easily. You may also notice changes in your body, as it becomes more difficult to keep your chiseled look. A reduction in hormone levels can account for the pudge around your abdomen that you just can’t seem to get rid of, no matter how much you try.


Signs You May Benefit from Hormone Replacement Therapy


Unless you experience lowered testosterone very young, this process is a natural part of aging. However, there are ways to slow down the process and continue to build a strong body.


Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been around since the mid-1900s, and the first reports regarding testosterone supplementation for the male climacteric were published in 1940 and 1944. These reports appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Since that time, it has been determined that testosterone levels decrease about 2 percent every year after age 30.


If you notice any of the following, you may be experiencing lowered testosterone levels and may benefit from hormone replacement therapy.


  • Decreasing sense of wellbeing, vigor and perception of energy. These complains are most often the first symptoms of lowered testosterone levels, but they are usually overlooked or simply attributed to stress and aging.
  • Declining strength and muscle mass. As you age, you lose tensile strength and muscle volume.
  • Lowered stamina and performance dependent upon exertion. This symptom is both physical and mental, as those whose jobs require multitasking find it difficult to perform as they used to.
  • Increasing body fat mass, most specifically pectoral fat and abdominal fat.
  • Decreasing bone mass. Studies have indicated that an age-related decline in testosterone levels is correlated with bone loss.
  • Declining sex drive and sexual thoughts. The decline comes before a decline in performance.
  • Increasingly frequent bouts of erectile dysfunction, and diminishing pleasure and sexual response in women.


What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy?


Hormone replacement therapy is a medically approved treatment that does not involve steroid use. This supervised regimen is meant to duplicate the natural testosterone production cycles in the body. Your medical professional can use the therapy to restore your natural testosterone level while minimizing any side effects or safety hazards.



To begin hormone replacement therapy, determine your testosterone levels with a blood test and a medical exam. These measures will help ensure that your symptoms are really due to testosterone deficiency and not due to diabetes, hypertension or medications. Once you’ve been cleared by your doctor, you can safely take oral HRT and regain your physical and mental strength.


Testosterone levels are partly responsible for muscle strength, body composition, cognitive function, and your overall perception of your energy and vigor. Hormone replacement therapy can enhance your lean body mass and muscle strength, decrease your leptin and enhance your cognitive function, and may improve your cardiovascular system. If you’ve found that your regimen is beginning to fail you and no matter how much you try, you just can’t get that energy and stamina back, HRT may be the answer for getting you back on track.

May 07, 2017 by Comet Chat Admin
Arimidex Profile

Arimidex Profile

Arimidex (Anastrozole)

Arimidex is a powerful anti-estrogen medication more aptly labeled an aromatase inhibitor (AI) originally developed to treat breast cancer. As is common with many AIs and anti-estrogen medications designed for this purpose Arimidex has found a welcomed home in the world of performance enhancing based on the same attributes designed in its original intent. Comprised of the active drug Anastrozole, the original trade name given was by its creator AstraZeneca and most forms regardless of manufacture will follow suit with either the original trade name of the actual drug name itself.


Arimidex performs by actively blocking the aromatase enzyme; this is important for steroid users as the aromatase process is what is responsible for many of the negative side-effects commonly associated with anabolic steroid use. As many anabolic steroids convert to estrogen such side-effects as Gynecomastia and excess water retention can become a problem to name a few but with supplemental Arimidex such problems can largely be reduced and often eliminated altogether. Through supplemental Arimidex use we actively block the estrogen conversion and reduce the total amount of estrogen in the body thereby preventing what isnt there from binding to the receptors of the body.


While Arimidex can be used while on cycle as well as during post cycle therapy (PCT) most will find its use is best served while on cycle and the using of SERMs to be the best bet during a PCT. However, for on cycle purposes AIs such as Arimidex will prove to be far more beneficial and effective; more so than SERMs although they can be used here as well. While an AI such as Arimidex will actually reduce estrogen a SERM such as Nolvadex or Clomid will not; these SERMs will only block the estrogen from binding and they will not block all of it and will not reduce. However, as Arimidex will reduce total levels too much will do so to a degree that will actually hinder the athletes progression as some estrogen is needed for tissue gains and more importantly a well-functioning body.


The manner by-which Arimidex reduces estrogen is really the main reason why its not a preferred PCT medication. Yes, it will increase testosterone levels during the PCT period, the entire purpose of the PCT process to begin with but the estrogen reduction is too much for this purpose and SERMs will prove to be a better choice to meet this end. A solid plan for most to follow is a small dosing of Arimidex while on cycle; generally 0.5mg every other day will get the job done, although some will need to go as high as 1mg every other day in order to prevent side-effects from anabolicsteroid use. As 1mg will prove to be our general max dose those in the competitive bodybuilding world will often supplement with 1mg every single day shortly before competition. Short periods of high dosing will provide a physique a much harder and dryer look but in this case such dosing will generally only last 7-14 days in total duration as some estrogen is needed in the body for the long haul. Once the cycle of anabolic steroids is complete and the PCT period begins dropping all Arimidex and anabolic steroids and beginning therapy with SERMs such as Nolvadex and Clomid will prove to be optimal as they will increase natural testosterone production while allowing enough estrogen in the body to perform the designated tasks.

April 30, 2017 by Richard Rodriguez

Bodybuilding and Steroids

Competitive bodybuilding is by the majority of society largely misunderstood, this is no secret yet year after year millions of people the world over enjoy competing themselves or simply enjoy such a lifestyle. There are many points we may reference as to why it’s often viewed as an obscure way of life with a seemingly cult like following but there is one factor in particular that is more responsible than any other. We’re talking of course about steroids and although steroids are a part of every major sport and in higher levels than most are aware it’s so blatantly obvious in bodybuilding that for many it shines a dark light. Without steroids there is no bodybuilding as we know it today; for that matter, without steroids there is no bodybuilding as we’ve known it for over half a century. We can even go as far as to say that without steroids general fitness and nutritional principles we understand would not be as clear, as much of what we know was brought forth through anabolic steroid research. While steroids are a part of every sport and as they are a part of many every day people’s lives our goal here is to focus more on the competitive nature, the sport of bodybuilding itself and how steroids have effected it; to do that we will need to start at the very beginning.


The History of Bodybuilding

For as long as man has roamed the earth a muscular physique has been a point of high admiration; simply examining the work of the ancient Greeks can easily support this fact. While muscularity and a toned shape has always been admired the competitive nature of bodybuilding and what we perceive to be bodybuilding today can be traced back to the late 1800’s and the father of it all Eugene Sandow. Commonly referred to as the “Father of Modern Bodybuilding"

Sandow’s success was so great that to this day the top bodybuilding show in the world, the Mr. Olympia rewards the winner with a bronze trophy in the likeness of Sandow himself; it is the same trophy Sandow commissioned made for the very first competitive bodybuilding show in 1901. As Vince Lombardi is to football so is Eugene Sandow to bodybuilding but what does this have to do with steroids? We can confidently say Sandow did not use synthetic anabolic steroids, after all, they were not available until the late 1930’s but there were other similar methods available at the time. During the life of Sandow it was not uncommon for a competitor of any sport to supplement with animal testicular extract; did Sandow partake, we don’t know but we do know that what Sandow started is what has led to where we find ourselves today.

The Beginning of the Modern Age:

The competitive nature of bodybuilding started by Sandow, while new and exciting for many would remain largely socially unpopular by the masses for the next several decades but soon that would all begin to change. By the 1940’s synthetic testosterone was highly available and by the 1950’s one of the most popular steroids of all time would rapidly hit the shelves in the form of Dianabol. These were the first two anabolic steroids made available and athletes of all sports would begin to use them heavily but it was bodybuilding that perhaps owed the biggest debt of gratitude. Through the 1950’s and 60’s we would begin to see physiques of a far more impressive nature; bigger, better and more well-defined. With the emergence of such bodybuilders as Steve Reeves, Reg Park and Clarence Ross for the first time in history bodybuilding begin to gain some legitimate notice in the 1950’s and the following decade would prove to be even bigger.

By the 1960’s, while still a more or less underground sport the athletes were truly reaching remarkable levels of conditioning and size; by this time steroids were as available as water from the tap and the good news for the athletes was they were 100% legal. Legendary bodybuilders such as Sergio Oliva, Dave Draper and Larry Scott were displaying physiques unlike any had ever seen but once again, the 1960’s would pale in comparison for what was to come.

Arnold and the Golden Age:

In 1968 the face many associate as the reason they themselves found their way into bodybuilding finally arrived in the United States. Known as the king of bodybuilding and in most circles as the gold standard, if anyone ever put bodybuilding on the map it was in-fact Arnold Schwarzenegger; not only did he bring it to the masses but to this day he is the face of the sport.

During Arnold’s era, most commonly known as “The Golden Age of Bodybuilding” this would in-fact be the true dawning of serious steroid use in the sport and it would continue to grow from there. You’re most basic steroids could be found during this time, many that are the most popular today were just as popular in Arnold’s time. It was during this golden age when bodybuilders would talk very openly about their steroid use, it was not uncommon to see steroids passed around openly right on the gym floor. No, these men did not have an understanding of the hormones like we do today; they simply understood that they worked and worked well.

The 1980’s:

By the time the 1980’s rolled around bodybuilders were bigger than ever and thanks to Arnold and company the fan base had grown more than anyone could have ever expected. However, it would be during this period of time that steroids would really begin getting negative media attention, so much so that the laws surrounding them would begin to strengthen their grip. Even though the grip would strengthen the use of steroids would continue to rise and inevitably lead to how we perceive bodybuilding today.

The Modern Age:

From 1990 to the present day we may aptly label as the “Modern Age.” During this time we have seen bodybuilders grow past what anyone thought humanly possible; so much so that the father of bodybuilding Eugene Sandow looks like an ordinary man in comparison. Much of this transformation is due to increased steroid knowledge, understanding how the hormones react and how best to utilize the reactions with training and nutrition. However, while steroids and the knowledge of has considerably grown many credit other performance enhancing drugs as playing just as much of an important role; most notably Insulin and Human Growth Hormone.

Since the time of Arnold the bodybuilding fan base and overall popularity would continually grow; through the 1990’s while it seemed poised to really garner heavy attention, by this time the use of steroids had been so damagingly publicized and demonized that much of what was gained would soon be lost. Since that time competitive bodybuilding has been stuck in a cycle of highs and lows but never reaching the popularity it was once so close to having. Many blame steroids for this fact; many people blame that without a personality like Arnold on the scene steroids are all anyone can see.

It should be noted and you may find this fairly interesting when you really sit down and think about it; as steroids have always been used in all sporting competition and as their use has grown in bodybuilding so has it in all of the major sports we enjoy every day. So why is it bodybuilding gets so much of the negative attention, why is this what steroids are most commonly associated with if it exists in all sports? The only way we can answer these questions is to examine the role of steroids in bodybuilding and the sport itself.

What is Bodybuilding?

In general terms it is one of the simplest things we can define for its true definition is in the name itself; bodybuilding is simply the pursuit of building the body. While this is rather a simplistic view, although correct on the surface there must be more to it to give it a specific purpose in-terms of competition. In this case, in its true form to define bodybuilding is to build a physique that is modified beyond its original state, one that is enhanced in muscularity and definition. The extent one takes this modification and enhancement will largely be dictated by their desired end goal but under its competitive aspects the most highly developed and defined wins and if steroids can help you reach this end goal and they will, it shouldn’t be too hard to see why they are so heavily used.

Is Bodybuilding a Sport?

"Is bodybuilding a sport" it is a question that has been asked many times and because steroids are such a major part many emphatically state “no.” However, this logic is riddled with holes for if steroid use or the lack there of deems a competition a sport then no sports would exist at all. The other argument and it is the sounder one, is that since there is no athletic competition on stage it is in-fact not a sport; but is this a truly correct assumption?

Bodybuilding is unique from most other forms of competition; while sports such as baseball and football take place on a field, the sport of bodybuilding takes place in the gym; the stage is more or less a point of display where rewards and accolades are handed out, much like the locker room is for a winning baseball team. Granted, there is the posing aspect of competition that does take some athletic ability; if you’ve never posed you’d be surprised how difficult of an endeavor this is to undertake. However, the posing, while important is not nearly as important as the physique in-terms of how it exist, therefore we can again point towards the gym as where the competition really is.

True, all athletes in all sports train in a gym and then compete on a field or arena but bodybuilding is much different when it comes to in the gym training. Other sports are in the gym to increase function; muscular contraction, muscular sculpting and defining are of no concern where as for the bodybuilder it is the only concern. The gym is where he throws his fastball; it is where he executes his strategy and implements his action. So is bodybuilding a sport? If you define it by the rules of competition then absolutely but if you’re dead set on all sports must be played on a field that’s fine too but the more important question is how do steroids truly factor in? 

The Necessity of Steroids:

By no means are steroids an absolute necessity to competitive bodybuilding; you can build a good physique without them and compete if you so desire. However, if an awe inspiring physique is what you desire and you’re not a fan of steroids we have some bad news for you; it’s not going to happen. Steroids are to bodybuilding as the bat is to baseball; by the very nature in-which we define competitive bodybuilding steroid use must exist. True, we could change the definition, we could change the criteria of competition but does this really help anything, especially when we consider the professional level? One of the most important aspects of professional sports, all professional sports is that the competitors are far superior to the average man; do you want to go to a baseball game where only 60mph fastballs are thrown or a football game where a Hail Marry is 20 yards?

Of course not and the same can be said of bodybuilding; no one wants an average man standing on stage; most of us can see that when we stare in the mirror. The entire purpose of competitive bodybuilding, especially professional is to display physiques unique and powerful, unattainable by the average man or most any man for that matter. In order to achieve this end steroids must be used but guess what, those NFL games you love watching, do you believe these players have increasingly enhanced speed and strength by evolving magic? Think about that for a little bit and tread lightly before you bash bodybuilding for its steroid use and compare to your own favorite sport.

A Piece of the Puzzle:

While steroid use is a necessity to competitive bodybuilding, especially at the professional and high amateur levels it is not the end all be all. Steroid use will not replace sound training and by no means will it replace smart nutrition. The stronger the grasp one has on nutrition the stronger and more efficiently they will be able to maximize their steroid use and parlay that into a more successful competitive pursuit. Further and this cannot be overstated; competitive bodybuilding relies very heavily on your genetic structure as well as your own genetic response to steroids. Some individuals will simply do better than others because their genetic makeup is superior in that regard and some will respond at a higher level from anabolic steroids. Normally, those who have a stronger genetic structure prone to muscularity without steroids will respond in a superior way. Is it fair, maybe not but that’s life.
Regardless of where your own genetics and response levels fall, as powerful as they are steroids are not magical and they cannot take a genetically inferior physique and turn it into a top pro bodybuilding competitor. However, with the right genetic structure steroids will provide the finishing touch needed to reach above and beyond normal results. Even so, even if you possess average genetics steroids can and will greatly alter your natural state but only to a degree. To truly be one of the great ones you will need to possess not only sound knowledge of all aspects but far superior genetic structure even without steroid use.


A great deal of what we know about steroids is derived from competitive bodybuilding; all of it, of course not but there is a debt that is owed. Moreover, as we have discussed, what we know and understand of anabolic hormones has in many cases led to a better understanding of how our muscles work, how our hormonal structure and function is laid out and in within these understandings we have found ourselves wiser in-terms of general health and fitness. A great deal of what we see today in popular culture is owed to steroids and competitive bodybuilding and since the two go hand-in-hand many aspects of fitness can trace their roots to competitive bodybuilding.

Thanks to competitive bodybuilding we have seen an explosion of a more health and fitness aware society; the gyms where we exercise were built by competitive bodybuilders, the exercises and routines, the basic nutritional principles we understand were all first discovered and perfected by competitive bodybuilders; without them there is no fitness craze. Nevertheless, because of the negative attention they are given and the manner in-which they are often perceived, steroids have always been viewed as a major sore on the competitive sport yet without them the competitive sport would not exist as it does and we wouldn’t understand the things we do.
The truth of the matter is competitive bodybuilding represents the base and root form of many things admired in popular culture. The bigger than life action heroes of the silver screen, they owe their existence to bodybuilding; professional wrestling, how we utilize training for sports such as football and baseball, boxing and for the most part all competitive sports, they owe much of their existence in their present form to bodybuilding. The macho muscular identity many men aspire to, its roots are largely founded in bodybuilding and what’s perhaps most interesting of all is in each of these aspects steroids are a major part of the game. Our desire for things that are bigger than life, in all aspects of life, while some of them are unique unto their own many have roots that run long and deep in a connection with bodybuilding and steroids as a whole.

Bodybuilding Today:

There is a constant argument that seems to always inevitably exist and it is based on a desire for things past. Many believe competitive bodybuilding has already seen its pinnacle of success and that a downward spiral or stagnant state is all that is left. This is common with most things in life and many times it’s a matter of opinion but there are also always facts that cannot be ignored. Compared to the “Golden Age” competitive bodybuilding is bigger than ever; the fan base is larger, the shows are bigger, the industry has surpassed a dinky make a couple bucks field into an industry worth mind-boggling amounts.
While the fan base has grown as has the industry as a whole, so have the athletes and you bet, many times this is painted in a very negative light, largely due to steroid use and the perceived evil it holds; but does anyone really care? The sport, while still a generally underground sport in many ways is bigger than it has ever been, by this simple logic, even though some may complain, the use of steroids has done nothing to hinder bodybuilding at all.

Bodybuilding, Steroids and the Truth:

Bodybuilding by its very nature is an unnatural pursuit; our bodies have no desire to change and they absolutely have no desire to pile on massive amounts of muscle. We are creatures of a naturally stagnant nature and while our natural state will vary from person to person, regardless of who we are this natural state exists. To change this natural state we must force our bodies to act and perform in an unnatural manner, we must force it to grow and define but to truly rise above normal, hormonal help must exist. Yes, you can absolutely be a natural bodybuilder and build a good solid physique beyond your natural state; you can achieve this without the use of anabolic steroids. However, a true freak of nature, a man far beyond average in terms of muscularity will not achieve this without the use of steroids and if he hasn’t achieved this there is no competitive sport of great interest. Chris Bell once said steroids were as American as apple pie; well, for competitive bodybuilding it is the pie and as long as the muscle game is played many people will inevitably want a piece.
April 30, 2017 by Richard Rodriguez

Anabolic Workouts

When you go to just any GYM and take a close look at the members working out, then come back a year later, you will notice that most of them still use the same weights as during your first visit. Why- because most bodybuilders waste their time with their usual training programs. If the buildup of mass and muscle mass was actually connected with the general common amount of training there would be many more massive bodybuilders. Since this, however, as reality has shown, is apparently not the case a few things seem to be wrong with the typical bodybuilding program. Since most people unnecessarily create their own obstacles they tremendously complicate achieving-their goals (strength and muscle buildup). The majority of them, at least those who are interested in the subject of this book, call them hardcore bodybuilders. Hardcore, however, does not mean training six times a week for three hours and copying Lee Haney's training for a competition, but something completely different. To create a sensible training plan and carry it out without compromise over a prolonged period of time is what makes a true hardcore bodybuilder because only he has the necessary willpower, discipline, ambition and perseverance that is needed. Forget endless long training routines, Mr. Olympia Superstar programs, and deceptive ads such as 30 pounds of muscles in four weeks, and think of the basics without which a strong and massive body cannot exist.


Anabolic Workouts - Guide

You should take the following factors to heart when doing anabolic workouts since they are absolutely necessary for a successful training. What role does the use of anabolic/androgenicsteroids play- Very simple: athletes who take steroids will make clearly faster, better, and greater progress than their natural colleagues. They will also obtain a much higher development stage than would have ever been possible without taking pharmaceutical compounds. Such stupid statements that one will achieve the same mass as a bodybuilder without taking steroids -it only takes longer- is nothing but a completely absurd publicity by the authorities who in their own interest conceal the truth. Read the following lines with an open-minded attitude and try to adapt this information for your own needs when doing Anabolic Workouts.


  1. High-intensity training: The human organism vehemently refuses any unnecessary change since it feels best in a constant condition, a homeostasis. In order to lure it out of its passivity, several efforts and exertions must be made. The signal that the body needs in order to build up strength and muscle mass is triggered by heavy, hard, and intense training routines. These should consist of relatively few sets. Five to eight sets for large muscle groups and three to four sets for small muscle groups are completely sufficient when every set is carried out until muscle failure.

Training with relatively low repetitions: The body has two different types of muscle fibers: Since the muscle hypertrophy almost completely occurs in the fast-twitch white muscle fibers of type 2, a sensible bodybuilding workout must be developed in a way that these are sufficiently stimulated. For this purpose relatively few, heavy reps in the range of 6-10 are suitable.
  3. Training with progressively heavier weights: In order to build up massive muscles they must be challenged and exposed to regular progressively-higher resistances. This can be achieved when the athlete continuously increases the weight during exercises. The stronger the muscles the larger their appearance. There is no mass without power. The basic exercises such as squats, bench presses, presses behind the neck, rows, barbell curls, dips, etc. are the most suitable.

  4. Sufficient rest periods: The muscles are stimulated through training but only grow during their rest phase. The higher the intensity, the higher the damage of the muscle cell and the longer the resting phase. When you train with adequate intensity you simply cannot train each and every day nor should you attack a muscle twice a week. Learn to accept rest and recovery as important factors of your training success. Every day you train in the GYM should be followed by a complete off day. Bodybuilders who are interested in an optimal strength and muscle gain should train every muscle once very intensely every 7-8 days.

5. Plateau and phase training: The body can be put under maximum stress only for a limited time. If this time is exceeded, development comes to a stop and if continued the performance will regress. For this reason the intensity and extent of the training program should be changed every 12-14 weeks. The athlete should enjoy several days off training and then change to a several-week long maintenance training (plateau training).

The following training program considers all essential factors which are necessary for a quick buildup of strength and muscle mass. In combination with the nutrition tips included in this book its effectiveness can be considerably increased. Based on the high intensity it is not suitable for natural bodybuilders over a long time. This training schedule is obviously only intended as a suggestion and can be changed by every athlete to meet his individual needs, as long as the discussed principles are met.

April 30, 2017 by Richard Rodriguez